Friday, May 22, 2009

Your Work on View!

Thank you to all the students and teachers who worked hard to get out the Plarn! We had a wonderful reception of about 700 people to the Brooklyn Show Spctclr Vws. We received well over 2,000 plarn balls. Not enough yet to make the ball pen, but enough to make a very cool installation . . .

This was one of the bathrooms in a luxury apartment overlooking the Manhattan Skyline. We decided that this would be a perfect place to contain the plarn balls. Many people commented on how much they enjoyed seeing the work.

Here is a close up of one of the sinks. Can you find the ball you made?

What? Yep, a tub full of plarn balls.

. . . and we made use of the shower stall too.

Thanks again for all your help! Please check back or sign up to follow this blog as we are getting ready for Part 2 of the Plarn Project. More pictures to follow soon . . .


  1. YES!! I see one of our schools balls in the first 2 pictures!

  2. Go Lincoln Elementary Anoka, Mn!!

  3. Creative thinking and inventive work is a recipe for student success!
    We can't wait to see Part 2!
